Reinette Nel

- Cert IV in Bowtech Bowen Technique
If you want to release pain and dis-ease within your body, Reinette would love to support and assist you. She will work closely with you and peel back the layers to get right down to the real reason why you feel the way you do. Together you will address the issue that creates pain and not just focus on the symptom.
Her own healing journey started as a client, struggling with debilitating migraines since the age of 12. She tried many other therapies, but nothing worked. Bowen therapy was the approach she needed to address the imbalances in her life, in order to start her healing journey. She now believes in maintenance sessions to keep her body, mind and spirit balanced.
This bodywork allows for longer pauses between moves, which gives the body more time on the table to assimilate the messages.
Diploma in Specialised Bowen Therapy
I have also completed various additional workshops e.g. Mind, Body Bowen, The Secret Life of Fascia and Graham Pennington's Importance of symmetry workshop, The Art of Bowen by Alastair McLoughlin, as well as Bowen - Inside Out by Christos Miliankos.
Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation
Studied with Global Coaching Academy.
Diploma in the Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy
Studied with The Institute of Biochemic medicine
About Bowen Therapy
With what can Bowen assist?
- Babies - Children - Adults - Seniors and can be effective in treating a wide range of conditions like...
- Back & Neck pain
- Stress
- Chronic conditions
- Headaches & Migraines
- Hormonal & Menstruation issues
- Recovery from illness, Injury and Surgery
- Bedwetting
- Sleep issues
- Immunity disorders
- Constipation
- Sciatica
- Cerebral Palsy
- Joint pain
- Long Term pain
- Scar tissue
- Scoliosis
- And many more
What to expect from a session?
During your first consultation we will talk a little about your past and present medical issues and medications. I will then talk about your expectation for the sessions. If patient is shy and not really willing to discuss issues, I will follow the feedback that the body is giving me.
Bowen therapy don't use any oils and it can be done through clothing.
Water is very important and it's best to drink some water before a treatment. This ensure that your cells and tissues are adequately hydrated. I will also offer more water after your session and ask you to continue drinking water for the rest of the day.
Normally I will follow some primary basic cross-fibre manoeuvres with thumbs and fingers, using gentle moves over specific points. If needed I will then decide on more specific procedures to follow according to issues raised. Sessions are very relaxing and clients sometimes fall asleep.
Treatments can last between 30 to 60 minutes. There will be 2 to 5 minute pauses between moves. These breaks allow the body to incorporate the messages I'm giving the body and to allow the body to respond. This is when the healing begins.
During the treatment I will discuss possible sensations the client might be experiencing like warmth, tingling, pressure, lightness, awareness, relaxation etc. After the treatment you might feel energised, tired, hungry or thirsty. You might also notice that pain has moved, changed or diminished. I will mention that in order to enhance your healing, it can help to drink more water, walk a bit and not to sit for too long for the rest of the day. I will also suggest not to participate in too strenuous exercise on the day.
Most people find their condition to improve with one to 3 Bowen treatments. In chronic cases this might take longer. Most people like to have 'maintenance' treatments every month afterwards to keep in peak condition.
Bowen therapy is a gentle form of bodywork that can bring immediate relief to many conditions.
About Biochemic Therapy
Biochemic medicine was discovered over a hundred years ago by a German physician, Dr. Schuessler. He analysed the ash content of human cells and identified twelve inorganic tissue-salts that are essential for the healthy functioning of the human body.
He showed that when there is a deficiency of any of these salts in the body tissues, certain typical symptoms arise. You can use these symptoms and facial diagnostics to identify the specific deficiency in a patient.
If you then supplement this deficiency with tissue salts it will stimulate the vital force of the body, which will in turn carry out the healing.
With Biochemic therapy you don't suppress the symptoms of a disease, instead you focus on restoring the healing power of the vital force and allow the body to do the healing through a natural process.
So, by using facial diagnostics and with a complete and thorough analysis of a client, I'm able to determine which tissue salts the client is deficient in. I'm then able to prescribe the necessary ones to remedy any imbalance.
These tissue salts are safe can can easily be absorbed by the body, non-toxic and can work on a broad range of health conditions.
You are also able to purchase these tissue salts from me directly without being a client. If you know what you need, you don't need to ask for an analysis from me.